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5751 TAD Premium Selected

From €32.80 *

*Prices incl. VAT plus shipping costs

In Stock, delivery time approx.1-4 working days (Within Germany)
     The delivery times for shipping abroad can be found here.

Premium Matching:

  • RT009
  • 2.5x2.5x8 cm
  • 0.01 kg
  • 4251594900108
5751 = a 12AX7 with a bit less gain and big plus on tone! Low-noise Tube for Best Clean Tone!... more
Product information "5751 TAD Premium Selected"
5751 = a 12AX7 with a bit less gain and big plus on tone! Low-noise Tube for Best Clean Tone!
The TAD Selected 5751 is our first choice for noticeably improved clarity, smoothness, and a true vintage tone character for most guitar amps! There will still be plenty of gain - so if you own a high-gain preamp that does not have these classic crunch characteristics, the 5751 tube will work wonders. In hi-fi preamps and CD players, the TAD selected 5751 will lower the noise floor and sound smoother and clearer than many 12AX7 tubes.
Especially this low-noise tube is recommended for best clean tone with big bottom, warm midrange and silky top end. Performs great for HiFi too! Replaces any 12AX7A/WA, ECC83, 7025 etc.
NOTE: SRV used a 5751 to improve his clean tone with vintage Fender amps producing that thick and three-dimensional bold tone.
Tube Type: 5751(12AX7/ECC83)
Socket: 9 Pin(Noval)
Selection: Premium
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Customer evaluation for "5751 TAD Premium Selected"
7 Oct 2020

Verry happy with this 5751

I use it in a Peavey Valveking 20w combo in V2 position. The high gain channel sounded muddy with the 12ax7 stock tube and was not really useable past 4 (10 o'clock). After replacing with this 5751 tube it is still a high gain channel but definition is much better. Now it "bites" and I can better hear the power tube distortion in the sound. Fyi, i've also tried a jj 12au7 but I did not like it. The gain was just still sufficient for my taste but it did not sound allright. The Amp sounded a bit boring and weak. I guess the 12au7 is too far from the Amp design specs tot really work.

8 Apr 2020

This tube do just what I was hoping for in my 5F1 Champ. It was meant for this amp ;)

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Here you will find the most important information about the matching of our tubes more
Information about TAD Matching

Here you will find the most important information about the matching of our tubes

When does a tube become a Premium Selected tube?

Power tubes
All power tubes labeled Premium Selected have passed the following tests:
-      Plate Current (PC) and Amplification (TC)
-      Low Noise Test
-      Microphonic Test
-      Sonic Tests
-      Shock Tests
-      Listening Tests
-      Shorts & Leakage Tests
Premium RT-Matching of Power Tubes
Our Premium Matching is an exact matching of power tubes with identical Plate Current (PC) and Transconductance (TC).
TAD Premium Selected tubes are guaranteed for a period of 12 months (according to terms of warranties)
for the quality criteria mentioned above.
Preamp tubes
All preamp tubes labeled Premium Selected have passed the following tests:
-      Low Noise Test
-      Microphonic Test
-      Gain Test
-      Sonic Tests
-      Shock Tests
-      Listening Tests
-      Balanced Output Test
Premium Selected
We call the tubes SELECTED which have passed above tests and thus qualify as reliable all-round tubes of their type.Typically this is around 30-60% from a batch that receives the SELECTED label from TAD.
For applications in particularly sensitive functions such as V1 or input stage with combo amps, V1 in high-gain amps, tube microphones and phono preamps, we recommend using the respective HIGHGRADE selection
But only those tubes which pass these tests best are labeled Highgrades.Typically this is approx. 3-10% from a production batch that qualifies for the HIGHGRADE rating from TAD.
Due to the very high selection requirements, this article is temporarily only available to a limited extent! Please note our shop-information on availability.
Matching and Selecting Options for Preamp Tubes
Matching in Pairs for preamp tubes means that two tubes show identical gain, hence, four characteristically identical systems.
This matching method includes our Balance-Selection. We highly recommend this matching method for hi-fi systems.
TAD Premium Selected/Highgrade tubes are guaranteed for a period of 12 months (according to terms of warranties)
for the quality criteria mentioned above.
Tube Amp Doctor GmbH
V-MC1 TAD 1nF 630VDC Mustard Cap  (1nF = 0.001uF)

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Z-FUSE Sicherungen

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