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Blackface Style

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Tube Amp Doctor GmbH
KIT-BFPR Blackface 14 Reverb AA1164 Style Amp-Kit
Blackface 14 Reverb AA1164 Style Amp-Kit
Amp Kit Blackface 14 Reverb AA1164 Style with ca. 14 watt power. This Amp Kit is an homage to the historic 1964 version Fender® Princeton Reverb Amp. The famous Blackface 14 Reverb Amp has the full size reverb and the cool bias tremolo á...

From €345.00 *
Remember Part Number: K-BFPR-NC
Tube Amp Doctor GmbH
KIT-BFDLXR Blackface 22 Reverb AB763 Style Amp-Kit
Blackface 22 Reverb AB763 Style Amp-Kit
Amp Kit Blackface 22 Reverb AB763 Style with ca. 22 watt power. This Amp Kit is based on the legendary Fender Deluxe Reverb® The sweet tone of the 6V6 tubes, the famous tube reverb, the Tremolo and just right power all in a handy...

From €455.00 *
Remember Part Number: K-BFDLXR-NC
Tube Amp Doctor GmbH
KIT-BFVV Blackface 40 Reverb Amp-Kit
Blackface 40 Reverb Amp-Kit
Amp Kit Blackface 40 Reverb AB763 Style with ca. 40 watt power. This Amp Kit is based on the legendary Fender 1x15" Vibroverb® Famous for its sweet yet shiny tone of the 6L6 tubes and the famous tube reverb, the Tremolo. Probably one of...

From €1,299.00 *
Remember Part Number: K-BFVV-NC
Tube Amp Doctor GmbH
KIT-BFSR Blackface 45 Reverb AB763 Style Amp-Kit
Blackface 45 Reverb AB763 Style Amp-Kit
Amp Kit Blackface 45 Reverb AB763 Style with ca. 45 watt power. This Amp Kit is based on the legendary Fender Super Reverb® THE KING OF REVERB! Famous for its sweet yet shiny tone of the 6L6 tubes and the famous tube reverb, the Tremolo....

From €441.00 *
Remember Part Number: K-BFSR-NC
Tube Amp Doctor GmbH
KIT-BFTR Blackface 85 Reverb AB763 Style Amp-Kit
Blackface 85 Reverb AB763 Style Amp-Kit
Amp Kit Blackface 85 Reverb AB763 Style with ca. 85 watt power. This Amp Kit is based on the legendary Fender Twin Reverb® THE KING OF CLEAN! Since the 1960s until today, the Fender Twin Reverb® has been the first-class-reference when it...

From €522.01 *
Remember Part Number: K-BFTR-NC
Tube Amp Doctor GmbH
KIT-6G15 Tube Reverb 6G15 Style Amp-Kit
Tube Reverb 6G15 Style Amp-Kit
Amp-Kit Tube Reverb 6G15 Style. The famous 60's tube reverb with its genuine sweet and full-bodied tone. Controls include DWELL, MIX and TONE. Fat single note reverb and classic Surf-Sounds can easily be achieved with this timeless fully...

From €636.00 *
Remember Part Number: K-6G15-65-NC