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KR Audio
KR-274A.2 KR Audio 274A - Paar (2 gematchte Röhren)
KR Audio 274A - Pair (2 matched tubes)
KRON Audio 274A Matched Pair - Full-wave, Thermionic High Vacuum Rectifier

€649.00 * €779.00 *
Remember Part Number: KR-274A.2
KR Audio
KR-274B.2 KR Audio 274B - Paar (2 gematchte Röhren)
KR Audio 274B - Pair (2 matched tubes)
KRON Audio 274A Matched Pair - Full-wave, Thermionic High Vacuum Rectifier replaces and upgrades 5Z4P

€649.00 * €779.00 *
Remember Part Number: KR-274B.2
Genalex Gold Lion
NN-GL-300B Gold Lion PX-300B Genalex  / Russia
Gold Lion PX-300B Genalex / Russia
Gold Lion PX-300B Genalex / Russia

From €177.80 *
Remember Part Number: NN-GL-300B
NN601B-MASTER Shuguang 2A3B / VT95
Shuguang 2A3B / VT95
2A3B is compatible with 2A3 triode. It is direct heating cathode and low power consumption. Two triodes can be used in class A and AB amplification. The output power of single tube can reach 6.5W. High evacuated tube, it achieve high...

From €59.85 *
Remember Part Number: NN601B
Tube Amp Doctor GmbH
NN602-MASTER TAD 211 / VT4 / CV620
TAD 211 / VT4 / CV620
TAD 211 / VT4 (CV620) triode, directly heated Jumbo 4-pin base. since 03-2021 PSVANE is producing this custom made 211 for TAD

From €89.00 *
Remember Part Number: NN602
Tube Amp Doctor GmbH
NN604 Shuguang / TAD 845 / SE3945 / CV1831 / 38213
TAD 845 (aka SE3945 / CV1831 / 38213)
TAD 845 (aka SE3945 / CV1831 / 38213)

From €95.80 *
Remember Part Number: NN604
NN604B.2 Shuguang 845B Carbonanode, werksgematchtes Paar
Shuguang 845B Carbon plate, factory matched PAIR
Two 845B carbon plate and mica-free tubes, factory matched PAIR, retested and aproved at TAD - Germany Similar to old Amperex 845. excellent quality! Note: Print image and color may differ from the illustration The hydride graphite anode...

€249.00 *
Remember Part Number: NN604B.2
NN604C.2 Shuguang 845C Eisenanode, werksgematchtes Paar
Shuguang 845C Iron plate, factory matched PAIR
Two 845C tubes, factory matched pair, retested and aproved by TAD- Germany 845C Iron Plate with 60 watts max. plate dissipation (see data sheet in "documents" tab). the socket is made out of pure copper. beside the great screening the...

€329.00 *
Remember Part Number: NN604C.2
Soviet NOS
NN607-R 807 Tetrode (aka: QE06/50, CV127, CV1364)
807 Tetrode (aka: QE06/50, CV127, CV1364)
807 Tetrode aka: QE06/50, CV 127, CV1364, CV1374 NOS, made in Russia. We do not guarantee a certain production year, but sample tests show production codes from the early 80s.

From €16.80 * €17.40 *
Remember Part Number: NN607-R
812A / CV2661 PSVANE
812A / CV2661 PSVANE

€39.81 *
Remember Part Number: NN612
Psvane & Treasure Audio Tubes
PSVANE 572B / T160L
The 572B is used by many devices like Taylor, Ameritron, Mohawk,Heathkit SB-200, KB3TTP 800+ WATT LINEAR AMPLIFIER and many more.

From €81.00 *
Remember Part Number: NN622
NN623 EH 300B Elektro Harmonix / Russia
EH 300B Electro Harmonix / Russia
EH 300B Electro Harmonix / Russia

From €114.80 *
Remember Part Number: NN623
NN623-G EH 300B Gold-Grid Elektro Harmonix / Russia
EH 300B Gold-Grid Electro Harmonix / Russia
EH 300B Gold-Grid Electro Harmonix / Russia

From €138.80 *
Remember Part Number: NN623-G
JJ - Electronic s.r.o.
NN624 300B JJ Electronic
300B JJ Electronic
JJ 300B JJ Electronic

From €197.80 *
Remember Part Number: NN624
SVETLANA Electron Devices
NN672-10 SV572-10 Svetlana
SV572-10 Svetlana
SV572-10 Svetlana HighEnd Audio Triode

From €169.00 *
Remember Part Number: NN672-10
SVETLANA Electron Devices
NN672-160 SV572-160 Svetlana
SV572-160 Svetlana
SV572-160 Svetlana HighEnd Audio Triode

From €106.80 *
Remember Part Number: NN672-160
SVETLANA Electron Devices
NN672-3 SV572-3 Svetlana
SV572-3 Svetlana
SV572-3 Svetlana HighEnd Audio Triode

From €118.80 *
Remember Part Number: NN672-3
Psvane & Treasure Audio Tubes
PS-211-HIFI Psvane  211-HiFi  Series
Psvane 211-HiFi Series
Psvane 211-HiFi Series 211 is direct-heated type thorium tungsten cathode triode, can be used as class A, B and C. manufacturer specification: Heater Uf---------------------------------------10 V...

From €89.00 *
Remember Part Number: PS-211-HIFI
Psvane & Treasure Audio Tubes
PS-300B-N-HIFI-MASTER 300B-N Psvane Hi-Fi-Series
300B-N Psvane Hi-Fi-Series
300B-N Psvane Hi-Fi-Series

From €132.99 *
Remember Part Number: PS-300B-N-HIFI
Psvane & Treasure Audio Tubes
PS-300B-Z.2 PSVANE+Shuguang 300B-Z/2 Gematchtes Paar Black Treasure
PSVANE+Shuguang 300B-Z/2 Matched Pair Black Treasure
PSVANE Black Treasure 300B-Z PREMUIM GRADE A - Factory Matched Pair get shipped as factory matched pair (note: till 2019 this item was made as Shuguang Black Treasure) The Black Treasure 300B-Z got improved in structure for better...

€389.00 *
Remember Part Number: PS-300B-Z.2
Psvane & Treasure Audio Tubes
PS-805-HIFI-MASTER Psvane 805-HIFI Series
Psvane 805-HIFI Series
PSVANE 805-HIFI is direct-heated type thorium tungsten cathode triode, can be used as class B, A-F, and R-F power amplification, class C R-F power amplification and high frequency oscillation. Heater...

From €69.00 *
Remember Part Number: PS-805-HIFI
Psvane & Treasure Audio Tubes
PS-805A-HIFI-MASTER Psvane 805A-HIFI Series
Psvane 805A-HIFI Series
The 805A is a special version of 805 for AUDIO applications with anode connection on pin #3 instead of using a plate cap. PSVANE 805A-HIFI is direct-heated type thorium tungsten cathode triode, can be used as class B, A-F, and R-F power...

From €69.00 *
Remember Part Number: PS-805A-HIFI
Psvane & Treasure Audio Tubes
PS-845-B-HIFI-MASTER Psvane  845B-HiFi  Series, mica free (NEU)
Psvane 845B-HiFi Series, mica free (NEW)
Psvane 845B-HiFi Series, mica free (NEW) 845B is direct-heated type thorium tungsten cathode triode which can be used as class A1 and AB1 amplification. Mica free construction type dimensons (exemplaric): 190.2 mm total length, 180.1 mm...

From €119.00 *
Remember Part Number: PS-845-B-HIFI
Psvane & Treasure Audio Tubes
PS-845-HIFI-MASTER Psvane  845-HiFi  Series
Psvane 845-HiFi Series
Psvane 845-HiFi Series manufacturer specification: Heater Uf---------------------------------------10 V If----------------------------------------3.25 A Maximum Rating Ua----------------------------------1250 V...

From €98.90 *
Remember Part Number: PS-845-HIFI
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