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Accessories (Cloth, Swabs, Brushes, etc.)

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CAIG Laboratories Inc
D-AB-100 CAIG Reinungsbürste, 100 Stück Packung
CAIG Connector Cleaning Brush, 100 each, Part No. AB-100
CAIG LINT-FREE Accessories Connector Cleaning Brush, 3-6 mm x 20 mm, 100 each Part No. AB-100 CAIG Connector Cleaning Brush, #AB-100 content: 100 each.

€38.90 *
Remember Part Number: D-AB-100
CAIG Laboratories Inc
D-AB-25 CAIG Reinungsbürste, 25 Stück Packung
CAIG Connector Cleaning Brush, 25 each, Part No. AB-25
CAIG LINT-FREE Accessories Connector Cleaning Brush, 3-6 mm x 20 mm, 25 each Part No. AB-25 CAIG Connector Cleaning Brush, #AB-25 content: 25 each.

€16.80 *
Remember Part Number: D-AB-25
CAIG Laboratories Inc
D-LFC-C.50 CAIG fusselfreie Tücher, Baumwolle, 50 Stück
CAIG Lint-Free Cloth, Cotton, 50 each
special lint free cotten cloth for cleaning/wiping surfaces either before or after applying CAIG contact cleaning or contact enhancing product. content: 50 pieces Lint-Free Cloth, Cotton, 5,72 x 11.5cm each, CAIG (USA)

€11.95 *
Remember Part Number: D-LFC-C.50
CAIG Laboratories Inc
D-LFC-C.1200 CAIG fusselfreie Tücher, Baumwolle, 1.200 Stück Großpackung
CAIG Lint-Free Cloth, Cotton, bulk package, 1.200 each
special lint free cotten cloth for cleaning/wiping surfaces either before or after applying CAIG contact cleaning or contact enhancing product. content: BULK PACK 1200 pieces Lint-Free Cloth, Cotton, 5,72 x 11.5cm each, CAIG (USA)

€229.00 *
Remember Part Number: D-LFC-C.1200
CAIG Laboratories Inc
D-LFC-P.1200 CAIG fusselfreie Tücher, Polyproylen, 5,72  x 11.5cm, 1200 Stück Packung
CAIG Lint-Free Cloth, Polyproylene, 5,72 x 11.5cm, package of 50 each
cleaning/wiping surfaces either before or after applying CAIG contact cleaning or contact enhancing product, provides slightly abrasive action content: BULK PACK 1.200 pieces Lint-Free Cloth, Polyproylene, 5,72 x 11.5cm each, CAIG (USA)

€198.00 *
Remember Part Number: D-LFC-P.1200
CAIG Laboratories Inc
D-SWPP-25 CAIG Baumwolltupfer (Pointer Swabs), 25 Stück Packung
CAIG Pointer Swabs, Cotton, 25 each
CAIG Pointer Swabs, Cotton, with mini tapered tip and wood handle; 75mm (3 inch), .5 mm to 2.3 mm Head, contant: 25 each. swabs, CAIG Part No. SWPP-25

€9.81 *
Remember Part Number: D-SWPP-25
CAIG Laboratories Inc
D-SWPP-100 CAIG Baumwolltupfer (Pointer Swabs), 100 Stück Packung
CAIG Pointer Swabs, Cotton, 100 each
CAIG Pointer Swabs, Cotton, with mini tapered tip and wood handle; 75mm (3 inch), .5 mm to 2.3 mm Head, contant: 100 each. swabs, CAIG Part No. SWPP-100

€28.50 *
Remember Part Number: D-SWPP-100
CAIG Laboratories Inc
D-SWPX-100 CAIG Präzisions-Schaumstofftupfer, 100 Stück Packung
CAIG Precision Foam Swabs, 100pcs, #SWPX-100
Precision Swabs, Foam, 3,2 x 12,7 x 70mm, 100 each Part No. SWPX-100 CAIG Precision Foam Swabs, #SWPX-100 content: 100 each. swabs

€44.90 *
Remember Part Number: D-SWPX-100
CAIG Laboratories Inc
D-SWPX-25 CAIG Präzisions-Schaumstofftupfer, 25 Stück Packung
CAIG Precision Foam Swabs, 25pcs, #SWPX-25
Precision Swabs, Foam, 3,2 x 12,7 x 70mm, 25 each Part No. SWPX-25 CAIG Precision Foam Swabs, #SWPX-25 content: 25 each. swabs

€16.80 *
Remember Part Number: D-SWPX-25
CAIG Laboratories Inc
G100L-SWP10 DeoxIT® Gold G-Serie G100L getränkte Stäbchen, 10 Stück
DeoxIT® Gold G-Series, Pre-treated Swab, 100%, 10pcs
DeoxIT® Gold G-Series , Pre-treated Swabs, 100% solution, 6,35mm x 19,05mm x 114,3mm, 10 swabs Part No. G100L-SWP10: (10 pre-treated swabs) 100% Liquid, No solvents Applicator: Pre-treated foam swabs, 6,35mm x 19,05mm x 114,3mm, provides...

€17.95 *
Remember Part Number: G100L-SWP10