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Tube Amp Doctor GmbH
RT043-MASTER 12BH7A REDBASE TAD Premium Selected  (symmetrisch/balanced)
12BH7A REDBASE TAD Premium Selected (balanced)
Maximum of Reliability - Outstanding Tonal Quality! 1st Choice for Ampeq SVTs! The all-new TAD 12BH7A REDBASE combines the best sonic and mechanical performance of the NOS RCA black plate with advantages of the GE version. A maximum of...

From €33.90 *
Remember Part Number: RT043
Tube Amp Doctor GmbH
RT-12AX7-MASTER TAD 12AX7/ECC83 REDBASE  Premium Selected
TAD 12AX7/ECC83 REDBASE Premium Selected
the new TAD 12AX7 / ECC83 REDBASE ® - Premium Selected - Good Gain - Airy Top End - Fat Mid-range!! The TAD 12AX7 / ECC83 REDBASE ® Premium Selected provides very good gain, tight bass, fat mids and silky top end with overall definition...

From €29.80 *
Remember Part Number: RT-12AX7
Tube Amp Doctor GmbH
The all new TAD 7025 / E83CC REDBASE HIGHGRADE Selection - Powerful Gain, Warm and Airy Tone and Zero Microphony PREMIUM HIGHGRADE selected quality for the most demanding amp stages. This tube works greatly for warm clean tones and...

From €32.80 *
Remember Part Number: RT-7025
Tube Amp Doctor GmbH
RT-6922-MASTER 6922 / E88CC TAD Premium Selected  (symmetrisch/balanced)
6922 / E88CC TAD Premium Selected (balanced)
The TAD-6922 / E88CC (~ CCa) is the High-End-Version of the ECC88 or 6DJ8. Selected for perfect balanced audio output and lowest noise. The 6922 is used worldwide from demanding HiFi amplifier manufacturers seeking for highest consistent...

From €46.80 *
Remember Part Number: RT-6922
Tube Amp Doctor GmbH
RT-6SJ7-MASTER 6SJ7 TAD  Premium NOS Selection
6SJ7 TAD Premium NOS Selection
Carefully tested and selected 6SJ7 metal tube. Very pleasing tonal charactistic, with rich mid-range giving live to music. Equivalent to VT116 and CV591. Also replaces directly 6SJ7G / CV591 and 6SJ7GT / CV592. Seleced for low noise...

From €26.00 *
Remember Part Number: RT-6SJ7
Tube Amp Doctor GmbH
RT-6SL7-MASTER 6SL7GT TAD Premium Selection
6SL7GT TAD Premium Selection
New version 2024! TAD 6SL7GT tube with the new silver-white anodes guarantee the finest and sweetest top-end and complex mid-range. Very pleasant, lively sound with a wide soundstage and astonishing depth. Also as an upgrade for every...

From €42.40 *
Remember Part Number: RT-6SL7
Tube Amp Doctor GmbH
RT-EF86-MASTER EF86 / 6267 TAD Premium Selected
EF86 / 6267 TAD Premium Selected
The New Vintage Pentode! This pentode is selected for low-noise and low microphonics and is used in many (european) hi-fi preamps. It recently gained popularity because it is used in many new guitar amps based on the vintage AC15...

From €36.50 *
Remember Part Number: RT-EF86
Tube Amp Doctor GmbH
RT002-MASTER 12AT7 / ECC81 TAD Premium Selected  (symmetrisch/balanced)
12AT7 / ECC81 TAD Premium Selected (balanced)
Rich-sounding Reverb Driver - Also Great for HiFi Audio-Systems and Studio Compressors! Low noise tube, selected for best symmetry and balance. A strong driver tube and a wounderfully rich-sounding reverb driver. Also used in the great...

From €29.80 *
Remember Part Number: RT002
Tube Amp Doctor GmbH
RT003-MASTER ECC83-JJ TAD Premium Selected
ECC83-JJ TAD Premium Selected
Emphasize Your Punchy Mids!! Selected ECC83 for the big & warm clean sounds (great for HiFi too!) and mellow top-end when pushed to overdrive. Our recommendation if you want to emphasize punchy mids. Especially great when pushed into a...

From €29.80 *
Remember Part Number: RT003
Tube Amp Doctor GmbH
RT004 12AT7WC-USA NOS TAD Premium Selected
12AT7WC-USA NOS TAD Premium Selected (balanced)
The Original US-made mil. Grade JAN Version in TAD Premium NOS-Selection quality This tube is used in old Fender amps or hi-fi applications and produces a smooth reverb. It replaces the 6201, E81CC and ECC801. upgrades ECC81 and 12AT7....

From €46.80 *
Remember Part Number: RT004
Tube Amp Doctor GmbH
RT005-MASTER 12AU7A / ECC82 TAD Premium Selected  (symmetrisch/balanced)
12AU7A / ECC82 TAD Premium Selected (balanced)
The Perfect Choice for Stereo Audio Applications - Ideal as a Balanced Driver This TAD 12AU7A / ECC82 has especially strong systems which are selected to provide two symmetrically amplifying triodes - also called "balanced". The perfect...

From €25.50 *
Remember Part Number: RT005
Tube Amp Doctor GmbH
RT006-MASTER 12AX7WA-R TAD Premium Selected
12AX7WA-R TAD Premium Selected
Maintain Your Amp's Original Tone! Very low noise but slightly less gain than a regular 12AX7. Soft highs and edgy, dominant high-mids. Our recommendation when your amp has microphonic issues. This tube is used in many Fender amps made...

From €33.80 *
Remember Part Number: RT006
Tube Amp Doctor GmbH
RT009-MASTER 5751 TAD Premium Selected
5751 TAD Premium Selected
5751 = a 12AX7 with a bit less gain and big plus on tone! Low-noise Tube for Best Clean Tone! The TAD Selected 5751 is our first choice for noticeably improved clarity, smoothness, and a true vintage tone character for most guitar amps!...

From €32.80 *
Remember Part Number: RT009
Tube Amp Doctor GmbH
RT010-MASTER 7025 HIGHGRADE TAD Premium Selected
7025 HIGHGRADE TAD Premium Selected
Warm, clean tone with creamy overdrive! PREMIUM selected quality for the most demanding amp stages. This tube works greatly for warm clean tones and creamy overdrive. We recommend this tube for the 1st gain stage and as input tube. It...

From €36.90 *
Remember Part Number: RT010
Tube Amp Doctor GmbH
RT030-MASTER 7025/E83CC-JJ  HIGHGRADE TAD Premium Selected
7025/E83CC-JJ HIGHGRADE TAD Premium Selected
No Microphony, No Hum - Clean Warm Tone, Punchy Mids, Fat Overdrive! Great warm clean tones, strong bass, punchy mids and fat overdrive with smooth top end.

From €32.80 *
Remember Part Number: RT030
Tube Amp Doctor GmbH
RT033-MASTER ECC803 S TAD Premium Selected
ECC803 S TAD Premium Selected
In the Tradition of the Famous Telefunken ECC803S A long-plate ECC83 / 12AX7A in the tradition of the famous Telefunken ECC803S. 1dB less gain than the RT003 (ECC83-Cz) but very detailed and defined, close to the RT001 (12AX7A), Its...

From €36.95 *
Remember Part Number: RT033
Tube Amp Doctor GmbH
RT044 12DW7 / 7247 TAD Premium Selected
12DW7 / 7247 TAD Premium Selected
Asymmetric double triode as used in old Ampegs. Q: When does a preamp tube become a Premium Selected tube? A: All preamp tubes labeled Premium Selected have passed the following tests: - Low Noise Test - Microphonic Test - Gain Test -...

€37.80 *
Remember Part Number: RT044
Tube Amp Doctor GmbH
RT052-MASTER ECC81 / 12AT7-JJ  TAD Premium Selected  (symmetrisch/balanced)
ECC81 / 12AT7-JJ TAD Premium Selected (balanced)
The TAD ECC81 / 12AT7-JJ is selected with regards to a tight balance of both triodes making it ideal for the use as BALANCED PHASE DRIVER. In addition to the perfect symmetrical systems, the strong amplification characteristics of the...

From €29.80 *
Remember Part Number: RT052
Tube Amp Doctor GmbH
RT065 12AU7WA / E82CC TAD Premium Selected  (symmetrisch)
12AU7WA / E82CC TAD Premium Selected (balanced)
Very quiet but powerful. This great symmetrical and balanced tube is your perfect choice for demanding Hi-Fi amps, and works perfectly as a pushing driver stage in instrument amplifications, also. Somewhat more stringent and defined with...

From €34.80 *
Remember Part Number: RT065
Tube Amp Doctor GmbH
RT090-MASTER 5751  Highgrade TAD Premium Selected
5751 Highgrade TAD Premium Selected
5751 = a 12AX7 with a plus on tone! This HIGHGRADE 5751 is a super low noise Tube for Best Clean Tone! The HIGHGRADE Selection is the tip-of-the-top quality with lowest noise (microphony, hum, hiss) level. Typically only 1-5% out of the...

From €36.90 *
Remember Part Number: RT090
Tube Amp Doctor GmbH
RT980-MASTER 6SN7GT TAD Premium Selected
6SN7GT TAD Premium Selected
Brown base 6SN7GT Tube with silky clear top end and rich mid-range. Very pleasing tonal characteristic giving live to music. Upgrades 6N8.

From €39.50 *
Remember Part Number: RT980
Tube Amp Doctor GmbH
The 7025 with a bit more edge and super low microphoniics TAD 7025-WB Highgrade PREMIUM Selected a low noise, super low microphonic selected version of the 12AX7 that meets all specifications required for the tube to be designated 7025...

From €39.95 *
Remember Part Number: RT093-HG
Tube Amp Doctor GmbH
The ECC83 with a bit more edge and extra low microphonics The new TAD ECC83-WB PREMIUM Selected is a low-noise and low microphonic version of the 12AX7 that even meets the specifications of a 7025. The TAD ECC83WB Selected was tested and...

From €37.80 *
Remember Part Number: RT093
Tube Amp Doctor GmbH
Perfectly BALANCED PHASE DRIVER Tube !! A perfectly balanced ECC83 / 12AX7 will allow the tube output stage to perform at its optimum for smooth tone and definition. The overall responsiveness will be significantly improved by revealing...

From €29.95 *
Remember Part Number: RT003-BPD
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