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Fender Musical Instruments Corporation Inc.
FL Fender® Blackface Amp Logo, chrome script, with tail
Fender® Logo, chrome script, with tail, 1963 ­1980
Fender® script logo with tail The Fender blackface logo as used since 1963 till 1974 also on earlier silverface amps and some re-issue and retro models. Also used on vintage style black Fender guitar cases.

€29.80 *
Remember Part Number: FL
Fender Musical Instruments Corporation Inc.
FLFL Fender® Logo, flat, 1960­-1963 + reissue/custom amp
Fender® Logo, flat, 1960­-1963 + reissue/custom amp
Fender Flat Logo originally used in years 1960 bis 1963 for amps with cream- or brown-tolex covering as Fender Princeton, Tremolux, Deluxe, Super, Vibrolux, Vibroverb, Pro, Concert, Bandmaster, Bassman,Twin, Showman and the Reverb Unit...

€29.80 *
Remember Part Number: FLFL
Fender Musical Instruments Corporation Inc.
FLFL-BL Fender® Logo, Schriftzug 1960-1963 + reissue/custom amp
Fender® Logo, flat, BLACK, 1960­-1963 + reissue/custom am
Fender Flat Logo, BLACK tail originally used in years 1960 bis 1963 for amps with cream- or brown-tolex covering as Fender Princeton, Tremolux, Deluxe, Super, Vibrolux, Vibroverb, Pro, Concert, Bandmaster, Bassman,Twin, Showman and the...

€29.80 *
Remember Part Number: FLFL-BL
Fender Musical Instruments Corporation Inc.
FLSTW Fender® Logo, tweed amp script style
Fender® Logo, tweed amp script style
script version for Tweed Amps

€29.80 *
Remember Part Number: FLSTW
Spares for Fender
FVSP Spannungswahlschalter Skala / Voltage selector plate (red)
Voltage selector plate (red)
the correct plate as used for many Fender or Boogie export models with voltage selector switch . This plate fits exactly our item SW1010 perfect to convert a US 110V model to propper export model circuit and cosmetics size: 51mm x 41mm...

€19.90 *
Remember Part Number: FVSP
Vox Amps
VLS VOX Logo, klein, für AC50 u.a
VOX Logo, small, AC50 etc
small VOX® Logo (AC 50 etc.), gold color, horizontal mounting 2 pins (3.1mm) for mounting spacing center to center: ca. 47 mm size: thickness 2.5 mm width 72 mm heigh 24 mm

€19.90 *
Remember Part Number: VLS
Vox Amps
VLS-2 VOX Logo, klein, NT-Serie, schwarz/silber, horizontal
VOX Logo, small, NT-Series, black/silver, horizontal
VOX Logo, small, NT-Series, black/silver, horizontal used for the Nighttrain Series

€19.90 *
Remember Part Number: VLS-2
Vox Amps
VL VOX® Logo (AC 30 etc.), gold, horizontal
VOX® Logo (AC 30 etc.), gold, horizontal
VOX® Logo (AC 30 etc.), gold, horizontal, 3 pins (2.9mm) for mounting spacing center to center: 35 mm size: thickness 3.3 mm width 107 mm heigh 34 mm

€34.90 *
Remember Part Number: VL
Vox Amps
VL-VT VOX Logo, groß, silberfarbig, horizontal
VOX® Logo, large, silver, horizontal
VOX® Logo, large, silver, horizontal used for the Vox Valvetronix Series 3 pins (3.1mm) for mounting spacing center to center: 35 mm size: thickness 3.3 mm width 107 mm heigh 34 mm

€19.90 *
Remember Part Number: VL-VT