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Tweed Chassis

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Tube Amp Doctor GmbH
K-ACTWCC Amp-Chassis: Cap Can Cover
Amp-Chassis: Cap Can Cover
used to cover main filter caps at the Tweed Bassman and Tweed Twin. In the amp-kits "Twin"-Style und "Bassman"-Style already included. Also suited for 6G15 Chassis Size: 139mm / 5-1/2" x 102mm / 4"; depth: 38mm / 1-1/2" Mounting plan:...

€20.00 *
Remember Part Number: K-ACTWCC
Tube Amp Doctor GmbH
K-AC6G15-A Amp-Chassis: Stand Alone Reverb Unit 6G15
Amp-Chassis: Stand Alone Reverb Unit 6G15
Amp-Chassis: Used for the Stand Alone Reverb Unit 6G15 and TAD AMP KIT 6G15 Reverb Unit hot-galvanized plate, corners rivited with all holes and cuts like the original chassis from the early 60s Dimensions: H: 66mm W: 394mm D: 106mm...

€68.50 *
Remember Part Number: K-AC6G15-A
Tube Amp Doctor GmbH
K-ACBM Amp-Chassis: Tweed Bassman 5F6 Style
Amp-Chassis: Tweed Bassman 5F6 Style
chrome finish, with all holes and cuts and printing like the original chassis from the 50s H: 67mm W: 509mm D: 105mm

€99.95 *
Remember Part Number: K-ACBM
Tube Amp Doctor GmbH
K-ACCHMP Amp-Chassis: Tweed Champ Style 5F1
Amp-Chassis: Tweed Champ Style 5F1
chrome finish, with all holes and cuts and printing like the original chassis from the 50s H: 67mm W: 223mm D: 105mm distance mountingholes: 200mm

€67.95 *
Remember Part Number: K-ACCHMP
Tube Amp Doctor GmbH
K-ACDLX Amp-Chassis: Tweed Deluxe 5E3 Style
Amp-Chassis: Tweed Deluxe 5E3 Style
chrome finish, with all holes and cuts and printing like the original chassis from the 50s H: 67mm W: 369mm D: 105mm distance mountingholes: 342mm

€79.94 *
Remember Part Number: K-ACDLX
Tube Amp Doctor GmbH
K-AC5F2 Amp-Chassis: Tweed Princeton 5F2
Amp-Chassis: Tweed Princeton 5F2
chrome finish, with all holes and cuts and printing like the original chassis from the 50s 2 Octal, 1 9-Pin Socket Hole, 2 Inputs, Volume, Tone, Power, Fuse, Pilot Light Dimensions: H: 67mm L: 349mm W: 105mm Dimensions: 13 3/4" L x 4...

€79.94 *
Remember Part Number: K-AC5F2
Tube Amp Doctor GmbH
K-AC5F4.5E5.5E7 Amp-Chassis: Tweed Super 5F4 / PRO 5E5A / Bandmaster 5E7
Amp-Chassis: Tweed Super 5F4 / PRO 5E5A / Bandmaster 5E7
chrome finish, with all holes and cuts and printing like the original chassis from the 50s Dimensions: H: 67mm B: 470mm T: 105mm Dimensions: 18 1/2'' L x 4 1/8'' W x 2 5/8'' H 3 Octal, 3 9-Pin Socket Holes, 2 Channel, 2 Inputs/Channel, 2...

€99.95 *
Remember Part Number: K-AC5F4.5E5.5E7
Tube Amp Doctor GmbH
K-ACTTHP Amp-Chassis: Tweed Twin High-Power 5F8A Style
Amp-Chassis: Tweed Twin High-Power 5F8A Style
chrome finish, with all holes and cuts and printing like the original chassis from the 50s H: 67mm W: 534mm D: 105mm

€99.95 *
Remember Part Number: K-ACTTHP
Tube Amp Doctor GmbH
K-ACTTLP Amp-Chassis: Tweed Twin Low Power Style 5E8
Amp-Chassis: Tweed Twin Low Power Style 5E8
chrome finished amp chassis for 5E8 "low power" Tweed Twin Amp for 4 octal + 4 novel tube sockets: 2x5U4GB, 2 x 5881/6L6WGC, 1 x 12AX7A, 3 x 12 AY7 4 Input, 2 Volume, Bass,Treble, Presence, Fuse, Power, Standby, Pilot Light, Ground...

€99.95 *
Remember Part Number: K-ACTTLP