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Rectifier tubes

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Psvane & Treasure Audio Tubes
5U4G is glass- shell, 8-pin socket, directly heated full-wave rectifier tube,5U4G is very similar with 274B and 5Z3P, which can be replaced by each other. Heater Uf……………5V If…………… 3A Maximum Rating anode inverse peak voltage……1550V anode...

€39.00 *
Remember Part Number: PS-5U4G-HIFI
NOS RCA 5U4GB rectifier tube, original boxed NOS-NIB picture may differ in colour and print style

€89.00 *
Remember Part Number: S5U4GB-RCA
NOS Tubes
5U4GB SYLVANIA NOS-NIB, rectifier tube
SYLVANIA / PHILIPS made 5U4GB all pieces we've ever seen made by Sylvania are beautiful blackplate constructions. Our stock contains various Sylvania packing and marking styles most in original boxes (NIB) picture might differ, various...

€64.00 *
Remember Part Number: S5U4GB
NOS Tubes
S6X4 6X4 / 6X4WA / 6202 / EZ90 NOS Gleichrichterröhre
6X4 / 6X4WA / 6202 / EZ90 NOS rectifier tube
6X4 / 6X4WA / 6202 / EZ90 NOS rectifier tube, various US manufacturer: Sylvania, RCA, GE, Hytron etc. all boxed Westinghouse for 7-pin socket

€19.80 *
Remember Part Number: S6X4
S5852 BENDIX 5852 aka 6X5GT (=EZ35, CV574)  Gleichrichterröhre
BENDIX 5852 aka 6X5GT (=EZ35, CV574) rectifer tube
NOS tube rectifier BENDIX 5852 / 6X5GT (=EZ35, CV574, 6Z5P) from the famous BENDIX RED BANK series made in USA, shiny Black-Plates, Double-D-Getter The Bendix 5852 is direct a drop in replacement for any 6X5 tube type. Suitable for use...

€199.80 *
Remember Part Number: S5852
KR Audio
KR-274A.2 KR Audio 274A - Paar (2 gematchte Röhren)
KR Audio 274A - Pair (2 matched tubes)
KRON Audio 274A Matched Pair - Full-wave, Thermionic High Vacuum Rectifier

€649.00 * €779.00 *
Remember Part Number: KR-274A.2
KR Audio
KR-274B.2 KR Audio 274B - Paar (2 gematchte Röhren)
KR Audio 274B - Pair (2 matched tubes)
KRON Audio 274A Matched Pair - Full-wave, Thermionic High Vacuum Rectifier replaces and upgrades 5Z4P

€649.00 * €779.00 *
Remember Part Number: KR-274B.2
General Electric
S5U4GB-GE NOS 5U4GB  General Electric GE/USA
NOS 5U4GB General Electric GE/USA
NOS 5U4GB General Electric GE/USA. NOS-NIB, Rectifier original GE, originally boxed picture may differ in colour and print style

€59.00 *
Remember Part Number: S5U4GB-GE
Psvane & Treasure Audio Tubes
PS2-274B-T-MII-MASTER Psvane 274B-T-MKII Psvane Reference Mark 2 T-series
Psvane 274B-T-MKII Psvane Reference Mark 2 T-series
Rectifier tube: Psvane 274B-T2 Psvane Reference T-series Mark 2 274B is very close in all spec details to 5U4G, 5Z3P and even 5AR4/GZ34. The 274B requires a filament current of 2.5A which is lower than the 5U4G/GB or 5Z4P which would...

From €159.50 *
Remember Part Number: PS2-274B-T-MII
Psvane & Treasure Audio Tubes
PS-A274B-MASTER Psvane ACME 274B
Psvane ACME 274B
The PSVANE ACME 274B The finest rectivfier tube ever made! PSVANE mentioned these desgin factss as a remarkable details: 5+ years of R&D poured in to create this Supreme series and world's first 3D designed tube structure Patented hybrid...

From €329.00 *
Remember Part Number: PS-A274B
Psvane & Treasure Audio Tubes
PS-WE274B WE274B Psvane WE-Replica Serie
WE274B Psvane WE-Replica Series
The PSVANE WE274B Western Electric Replica The finest rectivfier tube ever made: the legendary WE274B After releasing relaunch of the Western Electric 300B PSVANE took its time for research on the perfekt PSVANE WE274B. More than 18...

From €279.00 *
Remember Part Number: PS-WE274B