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Celestion International LTD
LCEG8E15-8 Celestion Eight 15 8" 15W 8 Ohm<T5813>
Celestion Eight 15 8" 15W
The Eight 15 is ideal for upgrading your bedroom blaster with authentic British tone. Well-balanced mids and highs complement a surprisingly meaty bottom end - it's just about the biggest sounding 8 inch loudspeaker we've ever heard! The...

€39.50 *
Remember Part Number: LCEG8E15-8
Celestion International LTD
LCEG12S80-8 Celestion G12 Seventy 80 12" 80W 8 Ohm<T5605>
Celestion G12 Seventy 80 12" 80W
The Seventy 80 delivers a full sound with plenty of top end punch Solid bass and midrange are also welcome in this competitively-priced all-rounder that's particularly well suited to use in 4x12 cabinets. If you thought you couldn't...

€79.00 *
Remember Part Number: LCEG12S80-8
Celestion International LTD
LCE-GSKT12-SET Celestion Dichtungsringe für Frontmontage 12"
Celestion Gaskets for Front-Loading 12"
Genuine Celestion Gaskets for Front-Loading 12" This set of 4 gaskets allows you to front-load any Celestion 12" speaker into the corresponding cabinet. When ordering 60 sets, the gaskets will be shipped in bulk without being packed in...

From €2.83 *
Remember Part Number: LCE-GSKT12-SET
Celestion International LTD
LCEG12R50-8 Celestion Rocket 50 12" 50W 8 Ohm<T5606>
Celestion Rocket 50 12" 50W
END OF LINE Look inside the back of a standard 4x12 and you may well find Rocket 50s bolted inside. This speaker sounds fantastic with any playing style... and won't break the bank.

€59.00 *
Remember Part Number: LCEG12R50-8
Celestion International LTD
LCEG10TEN30-8 Celestion Ten 30 10" 30W 8 Ohm<T5814>
Celestion Ten 30 10" 30W
The Ten 30 combines warm lows with a vocal mid-range and an articulate top end. The clean sound is open and revealing; push hard and you're rewarded with full-blooded Celestion grind.

€49.50 *
Remember Part Number: LCEG10TEN30-8