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Celestion International LTD
LCEG12EVH-8 Celestion G12EVH® 12'''' 20W 8 Ohm<T5658> made in UK
Celestion G12EVH® 12'' 20W , made in UK
Hot For Teacher ? No!!! For Speaker!! Throughout his career, whether in the studio or on the stage, the Celestion 20-watt Greenback has played an essential role to Edward Van Halen in making the tones that rewrote the book on guitar...

€179.00 *
Remember Part Number: LCEG12EVH-8
Celestion International LTD
LCE-GSKT12-SET Celestion Dichtungsringe für Frontmontage 12"
Celestion Gaskets for Front-Loading 12"
Genuine Celestion Gaskets for Front-Loading 12" This set of 4 gaskets allows you to front-load any Celestion 12" speaker into the corresponding cabinet. When ordering 60 sets, the gaskets will be shipped in bulk without being packed in...

From €2.83 *
Remember Part Number: LCE-GSKT12-SET