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AP-61SP-SET Amber Pickup SET: ''61 Special
Amber Pickup SET: '61 Special
Inspired by the fat sounding single coil guitars of the early 60s, the '61 Special Set was developed. The winding wire used is the golden-yellow Heavy-Formvar wire, exactly as it was already used in the 50s. A clear, fat sound with a...

€357.00 *
Remember Part Number: AP-61SP-SET-AW
AP-61SP-AGED Amber Pickup einzeln: ''61 Special - Aged Optik
Amber Pickup single: '61 Special - Aged Look
Inspired by the fat sounding single coil guitars of the early 60s, the '61 Special Set was developed. The winding wire used is the golden-yellow Heavy-Formvar wire, exactly as it was already used in the 50s. A clear, fat sound with a...

€139.00 *
Remember Part Number: AP-61SP-AGED-B-AW
AP-STST-B Amber Pickup einzeln:  Steamer Standard, Humbucker im Single-Coil Format
Amber Pickup single: Steamer Standard, Humbucker in Single-Coil...
Amber Pickup single: Steamer Standard, Humbucker in Single-Coil Format for Strat Razorblade Humbucker in the size of a single coil, for the bridge position. perfect to transform your single coil Strat into an SSH. Handmade in Germany.

€179.00 *
Remember Part Number: AP-STST-B
AP-61SP Amber Pickup einzeln: ''61 Special
Amber Pickup single: '61 Special
Inspired by the fat sounding single coil guitars of the early 60s, the '61 Special Set was developed. The winding wire used is the golden-yellow Heavy-Formvar wire, exactly as it was already used in the 50s. A clear, fat sound with a...

€119.00 *
Remember Part Number: AP-61SP-B-AW
AP-61SP-AGED-SET Amber Pickup SET: ''61 Special - Aged Optik
Amber Pickup SET: '61 Special - Aged Look
Inspired by the fat sounding single coil guitars of the early 60s, the '61 Special Set was developed. The winding wire used is the golden-yellow Heavy-Formvar wire, exactly as it was already used in the 50s. A clear, fat sound with a...

€417.00 *
Remember Part Number: AP-61SP-AGED-SET-AW