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S6DJ8-AMP-MASTER 6DJ8 AMPEREX  NOS. made in Holland
6DJ8 AMPEREX NOS. made in Holland
6DJ8 / ECC88 AMPEREX Bugle Boy, NOS, made in Holland "The Holland made 6DJ8 is consistently rated at the top of many audiophiles favorite 6DJ8 variant list. The sonic signature of these tubes is a very lush presentation with a 3...

From €79.00 *
Remember Part Number: S6DJ8-AMP
SEL41-AMP EL41 / 6CK5  Amperex/NOS
EL41 / 6CK5 Amperex/NOS
EL41 / 6CK5 Amperex/NOS, made in Holland! Output pentode, 9W Anode dissipation with Rimlock base

€29.00 *
Remember Part Number: SEL41-AMP