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Tubeset for Fender Tweed Pro 5E5-A Tubeset includes: 1x RT007 12AY7/6072A TAD Premium Selected 1x RT-12AX7 12AX7A/ECC83 TAD Premium Selected 1x RT-12AX7 TAD 12AX7/ECC83 REDBASE Premium Selected (~ 7025, 12AX7WA, E83CC) 1x RT102...
Part Number: TS-FTP-5E5-A

Tubeset for Fender Vibrolux Reverb Blackface, 68 Custom Vibrolux Reverb, 66 and Vibroverb 64 Custom RI. Does NOT fit into 63`Vibroverb Reissue and „Custom Vibrolux Reverb" For a tight and punchy clean sound with nice break up and silky...
Part Number: TS-F-VLR-BF

For a tight and punchy clean sound with nice break up and silky highs we recommend the following combination: In the first two positions (V1 and V2), this tube set features our RT030 TAD 7025 / E83CC-Cz HIGHGRADE which is outstanding...
Part Number: TS-F-VLR-SF

Tubeset for Fender '63 Fender Reverb PR263 Tubeset includes: 1x RT002 - V1: 12AT7 / ECC81 TAD Premium Selected 1x RT831 -V2: TAD 6V6GT-STR REDBASE PREMIUM Selected 1x RT030 - V3: TAD 7025 / E83CC-Cz HIGHGRADE
Part Number: TS-F-63FR

Superior NOS Highgrade tubeset for Fender '63 Fender Reverb PR263 for an authentic vintage tone! Tubeset includes: 1x RT004 - V1: 12AT7WC-USA NOS TAD Premium Selected 1x S6K6 -V2: 6K6GT (=VT152) NOS US-Markenhersteller 1x RT030 -V3: TAD...
Part Number: TS-F-63FR-NOS

Tubeset for Fender 400PS Tubeset includes: 1x RT002 12AT7 / ECC81 TAD Premium Selected 6x RT001 12AX7A-C / ECC83 TAD Premium Selected 1x RT101 6L6GCM-STR REDBASE TAD PREMIUM Selected 1x RT886 TAD 6550A-STR REDBASE, Premium Matched
Part Number: TS-F-400PS

Tubeset for Fender 57 Custom Champ (PR863) for that much longed for true vintage tone, we recommend: our RT070 12AY7/6072A HIGHGRADE TAD Premium Selected in the first position. This tube like no other stands for the Tweed Tone. For the...
Part Number: TS-F-57CCH

Tubeset for Fender 59 Tweed Bassman (also for the Victoria 45212) for that much longed for true vintage tone, we recommend: our RT007 12AY7/6072A TAD Premium Selected in the first position (V1). This tube stands for the Tweed Tone like...
Part Number: TS-F-59BM

Tubeset for Fender 63 Vibroverb Reissue and Custom Vibrolux Reverb For a tight and punchy clean sound with nice break up and silky highs we recommend the following combination: In the first two positions (V1 and V2), this tube set...
Part Number: TS-F-63VVRI

for that warm und punchy tone with present and pleasant highs we recommend this combination. for a perfect, well balanced tone I would recommend setting the bias to 30mA. Tubeset includes: 1x RT030 - Input Tube V1: TAD 7025 / E83CC-Cz...
Part Number: TS-F-68CPR

for that warm und punchy tone with present and pleasant highs we recommend this combination. for a perfect, well balanced tone I would choose Bias to 30-35mA per Tube. Tubeset includes: 2x RT030 - input tubes V1 + V2: TAD 7025 / E83CC-Cz...
Part Number: TS-F-68CTR

for that warm und punchy tone with present and pleasant highs we recommend this combination. Tubeset includes: 1x RT030 - Eingangsröhren V1: 7025/E83CC-JJ HIGHGRADE TAD Premium Selected 1x RT-12AX7 - V2: TAD 12AX7/ECC83 REDBASE Selected...
Part Number: TS-F-68CVC

Tubeset for Fender 75 For a tight and punchy clean sound with nice break up and silky highs we recommend the following combination: Tubeset features: 1x RT030 - Input Normal-channel V1 7025/E83CC HIGHGRADE TAD Premium Selected 1x...
Part Number: TS-F-75

Tubeset for Fender 94 Twin Amp Tubeset includes: 1x RT030 - Inputstage V1: TAD 7025 / E83CC-Cz HIGHGRADE 1x RT-12AX7 - Boosted Channel 1, V2: TAD 12AX7/ECC83 REDBASE Premium Selected (~ 7025, 12AX7WA, E83CC) 1x RT-12AX7 - Drive Channel...
Part Number: TS-F-T94

Tubeset for Fender BandmasterAB763 Tubeset includes: 2x RT030 TAD 7025 / E83CC-Cz HIGHGRADE 1x RT-12AX7 TAD 12AX7/ECC83 REDBASE Premium Selected (~ 7025, 12AX7WA, E83CC) 1x RT002 12AT7 / ECC81 TAD Premium Selected (symmetrisch/balanced)...
Part Number: TS-FB-AB763

In the first position (V1), this tube set features our RT030 TAD 7025 / E83CC-Cz HIGHGRADE . This tube works greatly for warm clean tones and creamy overdrive. We recommend this tube for the 1st gain stage and as input tube. For the...
Part Number: TS-F-BB007

Our recommendation for a dense, full but sweet tone, along with great directness and clarity: Our Tubeset for the Fender Bluesbreaker 15 features our RT030 TAD 7025 / E83CC-Cz HIGHGRADE in the first position (V1). This tube is...
Part Number: TS-F-BB15

Our recommendation for a dense, full but sweet tone, along with great directness and clarity: Our Tubeset for the Fender Bluesbreaker 15 features our RT030 TAD 7025 / E83CC-Cz HIGHGRADE in the first position (V1). This tube is...
Part Number: TS-F-BB30R

Tubeset for Fender Bassbreaker 45 In the first position (V1), this tube set features our RT030 TAD 7025 / E83CC-Cz HIGHGRADE which is outstanding because of its high gain, low microphony, powerful mids and round, rich overtone sound....
Part Number: TS-F-BB45

Tubeset for Fender Bassman 10 Tubeset includes: 1x RT030 TAD 7025 / E83CC-Cz HIGHGRADE 1x RT-12AX7 TAD 12AX7/ECC83 REDBASE Premium Selected 1x RT002: 12AT7 / ECC81 TAD Premium Selected 1x RT102 6L6GCM-STR REDBASE TAD PREMIUM Selected
Part Number: TS-FB-10

Tubeset for Fender Bassman 100 and Bassman 100T Tubeset includes: 1x RT-12AX7 - Input tube V1: TAD 12AX7/ECC83 REDBASE Premium Selected 1x RT-12AX7 - Tube V2: TAD 12AX7/ECC83 REDBASE Premium Selected (~ 7025, 12AX7WA, E83CC) 1x RT002 -...
Part Number: TS-FB-100

Tubeset for Fender Bassman 50 suitable for any Bassman 50 (Models: Fender Bassman AA864, AB165, AC568, AA371) For a clean and powerful tone with shiny highs and tight lows, we recommend the following combination: Tubeset includes: 2x...
Part Number: TS-FB-50

Tubeset for Fender Bassman 59 Reissue, Bassman LTD and Bassbreaker Tubeset includes: 1x RT070 12AY7/6072A HIGHGRADE TAD Premium Selected 1x RT-12AX7 12AX7A/ECC83 TAD Premium Selected 1x RT-12AX7 TAD 12AX7/ECC83 REDBASE Premium Selected...
Part Number: TS-FB-59R

Tubeset for Fender Bassman 70 For a clean and yet powerful tone with shiny highs and tight bass, we recommend the following combination: Tubeset includes: 2x RT030 (Input tubes V1 und V3): TAD 7025 / E83CC-Cz HIGHGRADE 1x RT-12AX7...
Part Number: TS-FB-70
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