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Output Transf. for Hiwatt

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Hiwatt Electronics Ltd. UK
HW100A Ausgangsübertrager für Hiwatt Custom 100, DR103, TG5479
Output Transformer for Hiwatt Custom 100, DR103, TG5479
Output Transformer for: Hiwatt® Custom 100, DR103, TG5479 includes the 100V output winding. Partridge clone with mounting bracket and correct lamination size of 4 1/2" mounting on 63.5mm x 57.5mm Custom made for TAD! Raa ca. 1.8k ohms...

€177.80 *
Remember Part Number: HW100A
Hiwatt Electronics Ltd. UK
TH7239 Ausgangsübertrager für Hiwatt Custom 200 (DR201, 4x KT88)
Output Transformer for Hiwatt Custom 200 (DR201, 4x KT88)
Output Transformer for 4xKT88,KT100 or 6550A, (Hiwatt 200, DR201) 4, 8, 16 Ohm 5 1/4" Stack: 2" Raa ca. 2.6k mounting on 92mm x 73mm-83mm (oblong hole) DC resistance: 2x 42 Ohms primary. Impedance p-p: ca. 2.2k. W x H x D: 112 x 135 x...

€249.00 *
Remember Part Number: TH7239
Hiwatt Electronics Ltd. UK
HW400A Ausgangsübertrager für Hiwatt Custom 400
Output Transformer for Hiwatt Custom 400
Soon available: the Output Transformer for the rare Hiwatt 400 with 6xKT88! DR405 primary impedance: 1450 ohms, multiple interlaced windings. Lamination EI135/60 Primary: A1 Yellow HT Red A2 Black Secondary: 0 Ohm Black 4 Ohm Green 8 Ohm...

€270.00 *
Remember Part Number: HW400A