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Mains Transf. for Vox

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Vox Amps
AC15PC1 Netztrafo für Vox AC15C1 und AC15C2
Mains transf. for AC15C1 and AC15C2
Original VOX Power transformer for the AC15 from the "C" series like AC15C1, AC15C2 Primary: 0V Black 230V White Secondary: HV Orange 0V White HV Orange 6,3V Yellow 0V Yellow 25V Red 0V Red

€152.90 *
Remember Part Number: AC15PC1
Vox Amps
AC30PRM Netztrafo für Vox AC30, Rose Morris Version
Mains transf. for Vox AC30, Rose Morris version
MAINS: VOX® AC 30 «Rose Morris» version, without GZ34 support Also used in the AC30 REISSUE LIMITED without 5AR4 rectifier tube Lay down type, lamination EI96 Mounting on 79x64mm NEW VERSION! Primary 0V Black 120V Orange 220V White 230V...

€165.70 *
Remember Part Number: AC30PRM
Vox Amps
AC30PCC Netztrafo für Vox AC30CC
Mains transf. for Vox AC30CC
upgrade power transformer for the AC30 from the "CC" series like AC30CC1, AC30CC2, AC30CCH Made in Europe. Delivers a stable voltage for a punchy and thick tone with a clear attitude! 117V and 230V/240V operation possible Superior...

€177.50 *
Remember Part Number: AC30PCC
Vox Amps
AC30PRE Netztrafo für Vox AC30TBX  Reissue mit GZ34
Mains transf. for Vox AC30TBX Reissue with GZ34
MAINS Transformers for the UK at Marshall made VOX® AC30TB and AC30TBX, Reissue, Model Nr. AC30/6TB NEW VERSION, WITH SHROUD! 117V and 230V/240V operation possible (see picture #3) Lamination: 3 3/4" mounting on 3 1/8" x 2 1/2" perfect...

€176.30 *
Remember Part Number: AC30PRE
Vox Amps
VNT2-P Original VOX Netztransformator für den NT2H
Mains transf. for Vox NT2H
Original VOX Power transformer for the NT2H 220/230V

€74.30 *
Remember Part Number: VNT2-P
Vox Amps
VNT50H-P Netztrafo für Vox NT50H und 50H-G2
Mains transf. for Vox NT50H und 50H-G2
Original VOX Power transformer for the Vox NT50H und 50H-G2

€179.00 *
Remember Part Number: VNT50H-P