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Jupiter BumbleBee PIO

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Jupiter Kondensatoren
V-JBB022400 Jupiter Condenser Bumblebee 0.022uF 400VDC (USA)
Jupiter Condenser Bumblebee 0.022uF 400VDC (USA)
Jupiter BUMBLE BEE Aluminum Foil Paper-in-Oil .022 mfd Capacitors (USA) Vintage Style capacitors for tonecontrol in passive guitars and Bases. The historic Tone-Caps used by Gibson-Guitars in clissic design of the 1950s shape that sought...

€37.50 *
Remember Part Number: V-JBB022400
Jupiter Kondensatoren
V-JBB047400 Jupiter Condenser BumbleBee 0.047uF 400VDC (USA)
Jupiter Condenser BumbleBee 0.047uF 400VDC (USA)
Jupiter BUMBLE BEE Aluminum Foil Paper-in-Oil .047 mfd Capacitors (USA) Vintage Style capacitors for tonecontrol in passive guitars and Bases. The historic Tone-Caps used by Gibson-Guitars in clissic design of the 1950s shape that sought...

€37.50 *
Remember Part Number: V-JBB047400
Jupiter Kondensatoren
V-JBB022400-TIN Jupiter Condenser Bumblebee 0.022uF 400VDC TIN FOIL (USA)
Jupiter Condenser Bumblebee 0.022uF 400VDC TIN FOIL (USA)
Jupiter BUMBLE BEE .022 mfd TIN FOIL Capacitors (USA) Vintage Style capacitors for tonecontrol in passive guitars and Bases. The historic Tone-Caps used by Gibson-Guitars in their classic designs of the 1950s and shape that sought after...

€37.50 *
Remember Part Number: V-JBB022400-TIN
Jupiter Kondensatoren
V-JBB015400 Jupiter Condenser Bumblebee 0.015mfd 400VDC (USA)
Jupiter Condenser Bumblebee 0.015uF 400VDC (USA)
Jupiter BUMBLE BEE Aluminum Foil Paper-in-Oil .015 mfd Capacitors (USA) Vintage Style capacitors for tonecontrol in passive guitars and Bases. The .015mfd is famous as the Womentone Cap used with PAF Style Humbucker in neck position. The...

€37.50 *
Remember Part Number: V-JBB015400
Jupiter Kondensatoren
V-JBB033400 Jupiter Condenser Bumblebee 0.033mfd 400VDC (USA)
Jupiter Condenser Bumblebee 0.033uF 400VDC (USA)
Jupiter BUMBLE BEE Aluminum Foil Paper-in-Oil .033 mfd Capacitors (USA) Vintage Style capacitors for tonecontrol in passive guitars and Bases. The .015mfd is famous as the Womentone Cap used with PAF Style Humbucker in neck position. The...

€37.50 *
Remember Part Number: V-JBB033400