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Info about CTS custom potentiometer

The TAD Custom Series from CTS combines the highest quality details from over 70 years of experience at CTS.

CTS is an old fashioned US American supplier, seated in Illinois. Known for the finest potentiometers used in electric guitars since the 1950s.

CTS Corporation

What does Vintage Audio Taper mean ?

This is a custom 30% logarithmic taper used especially in guitars and audio circuits. It allows a much better control over the whole rotation of the volume or tone control than with normal taper of regular industry standard logarithmic potentiometers. Since this is so special it needs to be custom made and was to often ignored by lower cost guitar and amplifier designs. We recommend to improve your equipment by switching to CTS Vitnage Audio Taper potentiometers in the TAD custom design for best control, dependability and natural performance.
